Brush Pickup Request

  • If the City Street Crew spends more than 10 minutes at a stop, the property owner will be billed at a rate of $3.00 per minute, with a minimum charge of $30.00. The purpose in doing this is to be equitable to all the City Taxpayers. The crew will not stop after 10 minutes but, will continue until all the brush is chipped. If a charge is imposed, the City will mail an invoice or call the resident to inform them of the charge.
  • Brush pickup requests need to be received by NOON the Monday prior to pickup.
  • Brush should not be placed curbside prior to 72 hours of pickup.
  • Brush needs to be placed on the street of your address. 
    •  Ex: You live on a corner, your address is 123 Main St brush needs to be on Main St .
  • Brush piles are limited to 4'x4'x20'
    • Piles that are larger take longer and are subject to charge.
  • Brush piles need to be accessible.
  • No root balls, stumps, construction material, grass clippings, shrub trimmings, leaves, bagged brush or brush with thorns will be accepted.  


Please complete this form:

Address *

* - denotes required field