City of Ripon - City Hall 100 Jackson Street Ripon, WI 54971
City of Ripon - City Hall 100 Jackson Street Ripon, WI 54971

Clerks Office


Welcome to the City Clerk's Office, where the Clerk oversees crucial administrative functions essential to the city's governance.

Responsibilities include managing election administration, processing a diverse range of licenses (operator, liquor, home business, etc.), administering oaths, fulfilling open records requests, managing special assessment letters, collecting property taxes, and overseeing accounts payable.

Committed to excellence, the City Clerk upholds duties prescribed by Wisconsin Statutes, ensuring compliance with legal and regulatory standards. This role plays a central part in maintaining the smooth operation of local government, fostering transparency, and serving the community with integrity and efficiency.

Elections & Voting

Licensing & Permits

Open Records Request

Special Assessments