Art Advisory Council
The Ripon Public Arts Advisory Council (AAC) is a council established by the City of Ripon to provide non-binding advice and recommendations regarding public art projects.
The AAC aims to foster collaboration and inclusivity in enhancing public spaces with art, reflecting, and celebrating Ripon's cultural spirit and identity.
The purpose is to ensure that these projects align with community goals, enhance public spaces, and comply with local ordinances. The council will consist of up to five (5) members appointed by the Ripon Plan Commission, including representatives from Ripon Main Street, Inc., Ripon Chamber of Commerce, and local artists and community members.
Members serve staggered three-year terms to ensure continuity, with the committee electing a Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson internally.
Meetings are held as needed to review proposals, with decisions made by majority vote of attending members. The committee’s duties include reviewing art proposals, advising on artist selection and media, guiding art placement and maintenance, promoting public art awareness, and fostering collaboration among local artists, organizations, and the city.
Currently recruiting volunteers