
The City of Ripon works many ways to serve its "customers" – the residents and businesses of the city. Following are the major city departments and a short description of their services. Please look at each department for more information.
Administration: The City Administrator/Treasurer carries out the directives and policies of the Common Council, advocates community development and provides overall direction of the day-to-day operations of the City. The administrator facilitates communication between the citizens and government and is the principal spokesperson for the city. The administration department is responsible for issuing all tax collections, sewer billing, receivable, financial record keeping and payroll.

Clerk: Clerk's office is responsible for all business licensing and voter registration and administration.
Building Inspection and Zoning: The inspector issues permits and provides building, electrical and plumbing inspections for residential and commercial construction and remodeling, and provides assistance with zoning issues.
Emergency Medical Services: The EMS department’s well-trained emergency medical technicians provide emergency and non-emergency ambulance service to Ripon and surrounding areas with two state-of-the-art ambulances and a staff of thirty EMTs. 
Library: Responsible for loaning books and periodicals in various media and videos to residents, providing various children and adult enrichment programs. 
Police: With a full-time staff of sworn officers and communications officers, the highly trained police department is responsible for all law enforcement activities in the city and dispatching police, fire and ambulance vehicles. 
Public Works: The public works department maintains the city’s streets and sewer system, public buildings, keeps our parks and cemeteries looking beautiful, collects garbage, brush and leaves and maintains the city compost center. 
Senior Activity Center: Provides social, physical, recreational and information services to the senior citizens of the Ripon community.
Parks and Recreation: Oversees the city's parks system and provides a variety of community recreation programming and amenities.  
Water:  The water department maintains and operates the city's water system. 
Wastewater Treatment: The wastewater treatment department is responsible for the proper treatment and disposal of the city’s liquid waste.