Brush Pickup Requirements (Including Christmas Trees)
The City of Ripon, Department of Public Works Staff will start to pick up brush curbside the day after the second Monday of each month. Residents requesting curbside pick-up of brush must call the Public Works office, (920) 748-4909, or submit a request for pick up online. Requests must be received by noon of the second Monday of the month to be put on the brush pick up list. Residents must provide name, address, and phone number of the pickup location.
Brush & Christmas Tree pick up routes will be generated Monday afternoon to be ready for the street crew for Tuesday pickup. Any resident calling after noon on Monday will have the choice of being put on next month’s list or can bring their brush to the City’s compost site. Brush pick-up requests that do not make the call-in deadline, must be removed from the curb by Friday afternoon of the pickup week.
Street crews WILL NOT be driving up and down ALL city streets. They will follow a route mapped out according to the call-ins and/or online requests. ALL ADDRESSES WITH BRUSH OUT FOR PICK UP MUST CALL IN OR SEND AN EMAIL REQUEST.
Brush pick up will start at 7 a.m. Tuesday morning and continue through the week until the brush pick-up list/route has been completed.
Curbside Brush Pick Up Requirements:
- All brush will be neatly and loosely placed on the terrace next to the curb with cut ends facing the roadway.
- Brush needs to be accessible from the road. Cars, trailers, etc. must not obstruct the pickup. If the brush cannot be accessed from the roadway it will not be picked up.
- Brush piles should be stacked in a single row only, no higher than 4ft. in height, by 20 ft. long, by 4 ft. deep. No leaves or yard/garden waste.
- Small brush under 36” shall be placed in a plastic tote.
- Brush cannot be placed in the Right of Way prior to 72 hours before pick-up starts, unless in the event of storm or high winds. See: City-Wide Storm Policy
- Brush should be no larger than 8 inches in diameter or exceed 75 lbs. in weight.
- Professional services used to cut down trees shall remove their own materials.
- No root balls, stumps, construction material, grass clippings, shrub trimmings, leaves, bagged brush or brush with thorns will be accepted. If these unacceptable materials are comingled with the brush, everything including the brush will be left and will be the responsibility of the resident to remove.
- During the winter months, all brush must be cleared of snow or the brush will not be picked up.
- Any violation of the Brush Pick-Up Policy will be tagged for such violation and will not be picked up.
If the City Street Crew spends more than 10 minutes at a stop, the property owner will be billed at a rate of $3.00 per minute, with a minimum charge of $30.00. The purpose in doing this is to be equitable to all the City Taxpayers. The crew will not stop after 10 minutes but, will continue until all the brush is chipped. If a charge is imposed, the City will mail an invoice or call the resident to inform them of the charge.
City street crew members will be required to record the arrival and completion time at each location.
All wood chips will be brought back to the yard waste site where residents may pick up for free.
City of Ripon Compost Center is located at 1131 Berlin Road. The Compost Center is open Tuesdays & Saturdays 9 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. (Closed Tuesdays mid-December through mid-April, weather permitting.)
City-Wide Storm Policy: The Director of Public Works or designee will determine, in the event of high wind storm and/or trees struck by lightning, if the chipper will be sent out for clean up above and beyond the normal pick up. See the City of Ripon’s website or call (920) 748-4909 for information regarding this decision.
TO SUBMIT A BRUSH PICKUP REQUEST - Click here to complete the request form.