
Need to make a payment?

  • Online or Over the Phone: Our payment portal is the Payment Service Network (PSN), which can be reached directly at 877-885-7968. We recommend that all residents register and create an account with PSN to utilize its various features. You can make payments using checking or savings accounts at no charge, while credit and debit card payments incur a 3.0% fee. Payments made through PayPal, PayPal Credit, or Venmo also come with a 3.0% fee. The system provides options to view electronic payment history, eBills, and balance due, manage multiple accounts, set up Auto-Pay, and save payment methods, among other features.
  • In person: Come to City Hall at 100 Jackson Street Ripon, WI 54971 during our hours of operation.
    • Summer hours: Monday - Thursday 7:30-4:30PM, Friday 7:30-2PM.
  • By Mail: Write out the check to "City of Ripon" and mail to 100 Jackson Street Ripon, WI 54971.


Utility Billing Contacts:

Karen Baranczyk, Deputy Clerk
