Committees, Commissions, Boards

The mayor is responsible for making council member and resident appointments to the following committees and commissions.  All appointments subject to city council confirmation.

If you are interested in serving on a committee, please complete this Committee Form or contact City Hall at (920)748-4914.



 Art Advisory Council

The Ripon Public Arts Advisory Council (AAC) is a council established by the City of Ripon to provide non-binding advice and recommendations regarding public art projects.


The AAC aims to foster collaboration and inclusivity in enhancing public spaces with art, reflecting, and celebrating Ripon's cultural spirit and identity.

The purpose is to ensure that these projects align with community goals, enhance public spaces, and comply with local ordinances. The council will consist of up to five (5) members appointed by the Ripon Plan Commission, including representatives from Ripon Main Street, Inc., Ripon Chamber of Commerce, and local artists and community members.


Members serve staggered three-year terms to ensure continuity, with the committee electing a Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson internally.


Meetings are held as needed to review proposals, with decisions made by majority vote of attending members. The committee’s duties include reviewing art proposals, advising on artist selection and media, guiding art placement and maintenance, promoting public art awareness, and fostering collaboration among local artists, organizations, and the city.



Currently recruiting volunteers

 Board of Public Works

The Board of Public Works shall have the following advisory powers and duties:

  • Review and recommend for approval written DPW policies and changes to existing policies
  • Assist in preparing DPW's annual budget request for submission to the City Council
  • Work with DPW to examine, track and recommend plans to carry out the Capital Improvement Plan
  • Serve as a platform for public input on DPW matters, with open meetings and a standing agenda item for public comment
  • Shall assist and advise DPW in the control of streets, alleys, and sidewalks or improvements therein, including maintenance
  • Recommend to the City Council any other DPW matters identified for discussion or consideration.

The Committee shall consist of five members.

Those five members shall be as follows: three council representative, appointed by the mayor, subject to council approval.

The additional two members shall be citizens, appointed by the mayor, subject to council approval.

The citizen members shall hold office for a period of three years.


  1. Johnathan Gatzke
  2. Steve Reimer
  3. Jeff Liddicoat
  4. Mark Denkert
  5. Vacant

 Board of Review

The Board of Review has the powers and duties as established by state statues. 

Membership consists of the Mayor, City Administrator, a Council Member from each district and the assessor, who is not entitled to a vote. 

The board meets annually in City Hall on the date(s) set by state statute.


  1. David Gallops 
  2. Jonathan Gatzke 
  3. Jolene Schatzinger
  4. John Splitt
  5. Theodore Grant
  6. Adam Sonntag


 Board of Zoning Appeals

The Board of Zoning Appeals considers and approves zoning variance requests. 
The board is made of up to five members plus two alternates. 
Members serve three-year terms. 
Meetings are held as needed on the third Wednesday of the month at city hall.
  1. Steve Arbaugh
  2. Steve Reimer 
  3. Jon Roy
  4. John Splitt
  5. David Sakrison

 Business Improvement District

The primary mission of the Business Improvement District (BID) is to assist in efforts to
  • Achieve a livable, attractive, economically viable, and dynamic downtown
  • Improve and maintain the quality of life in the downtown
  • Encourage economic vitality in the Ripon area. 
BID activities are supported by a special assessment on properties in the district.
The majority of the members must own property within the business improvement district. 
Members serve a three-year term. 
Meetings are held at a time and location determined by the board.
  1. Ted Grant
  2. Matt Greget
  3. David Knuth
  4. Jeff Liddicoat
  5. Jen Rintelmann
  6. TJ Rogers
  7. Sarah Willett

 Ripon Community Media Committee

Accessible Media Dedicated to Information, Entertaining and Sharing Our Community
The committee works to make recommendations on the quality and variety of programs offered on the Cable TV Channels.  You can find those channels on 986 and 987 on your Charter Cable subscription or available on our website and YouTube. If anyone has recommendations for programs to be shown on the channels or have comments about the current offerings, please contact any member of the committee.  The committee meets at City Hall as needed.
The Cable TV committee advises the Mayor and Council on development and enforcement of rules and regulations for use of the city's public cable TV channels and makes recommendations on cable TV program offerings. Membership consists of one each from the Ripon School District, Ripon College, Ripon Library, City Government and two at large.  Members serve a five-year term. 
  1. Desiree Bongers, Library
  2. Travis Liptow, Ripon Area School District
  3. Jason Mansmith, At Large Member
  4. Maddie Koster, Ripon College
  5. Jolene Schatzinger, Council Member
Ad Hoc Members
Riley Icenogle, Ripon Community Media Employee

 Community Development Authority

The Ripon Community Development Authority (CDA) is authorized to transact business and exercise any and all powers granted to a CDA under the community development authority law as amended from time to time for the purpose of carrying out blight elimination, slum clearance, urban renewal programs and projects and housing projects. The CDA shall consist of seven resident persons having sufficient ability and experience in the fields of urban renewal, community development and housing. Two of the commissioners shall be members of the common council. 
  1. Ellen Sorensen
  2. Johnathan Gatzke
  3. Vacant
  4. Vacant
  5. Jeff Liddicoat
  6. Kimberly Chapman-Johnson
  7. Laura Bruce 

  Historic Preservation Commission

In accordance with Wisconsin Statutes Section 62.23(7)(em), it is deemed essential for the public health, prosperity, safety, and welfare to protect, enhance, perpetuate, and utilize improvements or sites of special archaeological, architectural, or historic interest. The purpose of this chapter is to achieve the following objectives:

  1. Preserve and utilize improvements, sites, and districts that embody elements of the city's cultural, social, archaeological, economic, political, and architectural history.
  2. Safeguard the city's historic and cultural heritage as represented by such structures, sites, and districts.
  3. Foster civic pride in past achievements.
  4. Stabilize and enhance property values.
  5. Enhance the city's appeal to residents, tourists, and visitors, thereby supporting local business and industry.
  6. Improve the visual and aesthetic character of the city.
  7. Educate the public on the importance of historic preservation programs and their contribution to quality of life.

Under the City Code, designation criteria for historic structures, sites, or districts include:
  1. The Common Council may designate a property as historic if it is deemed to have significant historic or architectural value, following a recommendation from the commission and with the consent of the property owner(s).
  2. Criteria for significance include properties that:
    1. Reflect broad cultural, political, economic, or social history.
    2. Are associated with notable individuals or significant events.
    3. Exhibit distinctive architectural characteristics or represent notable architectural styles.
    4. Are the work of influential builders, designers, or architects.
    5. Provide valuable historical or archaeological information.
    6. Possess unique physical features that are integral to a neighborhood or area.

  1. Billy Hutton
  2. Matthew Koski
  3. David Gallops
  4. Ron Silber
  5. John Splitt
  6. Joe Walker
  7. Vacant
  8. Vacant

The Historic Preservation Commission typically meet the first Wednesday of each month in the Conference Room at City Hall.

 Library Board

The Library Board has exclusive control of the expenditure of all moneys collected, donated or appropriated for the library fund and the supervision, care and custody of the library and reading rooms. 
Its seven members are residents of the City of Ripon or surrounding towns. 
No more than two are town residents and one must be a school district administrator or representative. 
Members serve a three-year term. 
Meetings are held the third Tuesday of every month.
  1. Douglas Iverson, Council Representative
  2. Travis Liptow                                    
  3. Lauren McConnell   
  4. Mary Madderom                        
  5. Andy Prellwitz                                   
  6. Breck Speers                                    
  7. Janet Vossekuil                                 
  8. Kat Griffith, Fond du Lac Co Representative

 Park and Recreation Committee

The Park & Recreation Committee is an advisory group that works with the City of Ripon Parks and Recreation Director, City of Ripon Administrator and the City of Ripon Common Council in planning and developing Ripon's park system. 
This includes Forestry, Waterways and Park Development. 
The committee is made up of five members, including one City of Ripon Council Representative and the City of Ripon Administrator. 
Members serve a four-year term. 
Meetings are held as needed. 
  1. Nancy Baird 
  2. Tim Fox
  3. Jolene Schatzinger 
  4. Jason Kimpel
  5. Jason Mansmith
  6. Tiffany Millin
  7. Sandy Wisneski 

 Plan Commission

The Plan Commission has the powers and duties prescribed in Section 62.23, Wisconsin Statutes and such other powers and duties vested in them by law or the city council.  
The Commission considers matters regarding the physical development of the city, such as site development, conditional use, planned unit development, re-zoning, etc. 
Meetings are held on the third Wednesday of the month at city hall conference room.
  1. Mike Boscaljon      
  2. Theodore Grant   
  3. Haley Hutton       
  4. Mark Denkert     
  5. John Splitt 
  6. Chris Mathias        

 Police Commission

The Police Commission has all the powers and duties delegated to it in Section 62.13, Wisconsin Statutes excepting the optional powers in Section 62.13 (6) and any additional powers designated by the city council. 
Members serve a five-year term. 
Meetings are held as needed.
  1. Jon Heatley
  2. Vince King
  3. Steve Lewis
  4. Arlo Reichter
  5. Kevin Rosenau

 Ripon Area Fire District Governing Board

The Fire District Board governs all operations of the RAFD (Ripon Area Fire District), serving the City of Ripon and Towns of Ripon and Nepeuskun. 
The RAFD is supported by assessments to each of the members. 
The board is represented by four members from the city council, two from Town of Ripon and one from Town of Nepeuskun. 
Meetings are held the first Tuesday of the month at the Fire Station conference room.
City of Ripon
  1. Jonathan Gatzke
  2. Doug Iverson
  3. Mark Denkert
  4. Ellen Sorensen 
Town of Ripon
  1. Gary Page
  2. Barry VandeBrink
Town of Nepeuskun
  1.  Mike Wargula