Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan (2023-2028)
This Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan (CORP) for the City of Ripon serves as a guide for the development, funding, and use of our parks and recreation system. The City completed comprehensive revisions of this plan in 2006 and 2020. The plan has served the as city a guide in recreation and park funding and development. In addition, the City completed a significant Park Master Plan Project in 2023 (MSA Professional Services) that better defines future use and development of the city’s park system. The City strives to review and amend this CORP at least every five years to reflect new priorities and projects to best develop our parks system.
The City of Ripon recognizes the parks and recreation facilities in the City are key components to providing our residents with a high quality of life and attracting new residents and businesses to our community. Parks assist in promoting healthy lifestyles and improving the aesthetic appeal of a community. In addition, parks also contribute to increasing property values, attracting tourists, promoting sustainability, and protecting natural resources in a community. Recreation offers an outlet for a person’s physical, mental, and creative powers.
This plan will enable the City to participate in state and federal recreation grant programs that require such a plan as a prerequisite. With the completion of this CORP and the 2023 Master Plan, the City plans to aggressively pursue federal and state funding for all aspects of recreation land acquisition and development.
Full CORP is attached below.