PFAS Testing
City of Ripon PFAS Drinking Water Sampling Results
The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WI DNR) is conducting a statewide investigation into the occurrence of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) in drinking water at select municipal drinking water suppliers in WI during 2022. The City of Ripon Water Utility voluntarily took part in this investigation by sampling its drinking water for PFAS. The Ripon Water Utility decided to sample for PFAS to proactively assess the potential impacts of PFAS in the drinking water and to quickly take steps to protect the health of our customers if needed.
It is not uncommon to find low levels of PFAS in drinking water supplies. PFAS can be found in fire-fighting foams, stain repellants, nonstick cookware, waterproof clothing, food wrappers, and are used in many industrial processes. They do not break down in the environment and move easily into water.
Wisconsin Department of Health Services (WI DHS) has made health based advisory level recommendations for 12 individual PFAS compounds and a combined value for 6 additional compounds.
The Ripon Water Utility drinking water was tested as a part of this sampling project. The test results can be found on the city’s website at: www.cityofripon.com/pfas. The results show that PFAS compounds WERE NOT detected in municipal wells #5 and #8.
The results show that PFAS compounds WERE detected in well #9 at concentrations below recommended health advisory levels. Results showed levels of PFOS (1.59ppt) and PFHxS (2.13 ppt). Both of those results are below all WI DHS health advisory levels and no further action is required at this time.
Municipal well #6 was not tested as part of this sampling due to it being off line for rehabilitation. Well #6 will be tested when it returns to service and results will be posted to the city's website when available.
The Ripon Water Utility is committed to providing our customers with quality drinking water. As your water supplier, we will continue to closely with WI DNR to maintain the quality of your water.
Specific health information regarding PFAS compounds with health advisory recommendations in WI can be found here:
Additional health information regarding PFAS can be found here:
DHS PFAS https://www.dhs.wisconsin.gov/chemical/pfas.htm.
Contact: Adam Sonntag, City Administrator – (920)748-4914 – asonntag@cityofripon.com / Jeremy Jess, Utility Manager - (920)748-4912 - jjess@cityofripon.com
May 10, 2022
City of Ripon Water Utility
100 Jackson Street
Subject: Upcoming PFAS Drinking Water Sampling
Dear Utility Customers:
Wisconsin and states nationwide are faced with challenges related to Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), which have been manufactured and used for years in everyday items such as nonstick cookware, water-resistant clothing and personal care products. PFAS have also been widely used in firefighting foams, at military installations and in other industries. A large number of studies in people have examined possible relationships between levels of PFAS in blood and harmful health effects in people.
The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WI DNR) is conducting a voluntary statewide investigation into the occurrence of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) in drinking water at municipal drinking water suppliers in WI during 2022. The City of Ripon Water Utility has decided to sample for PFAS to proactively assess the potential impacts of PFAS in the drinking water and to quickly take steps to protect the health of our customers if needed.
WI DNR will be working closely with WI State Lab of Hygiene throughout the entire process to ensure our system is provided with results in a timely manner. WI DNR will be posting sample results as they become available. The Agency will also be actively working with any public water systems that identify levels of PFAS in drinking water to ensure the validity of data and identify appropriate response measures, including outreach and communication with customers.
If you have any questions about the sampling that will occur at our public water system, please contact Jeremy Jess at (920)748-4912 / jjess@cityofripon.com or visit our website: www.cityofripon.com.
WI DNR and City of Ripon Water Utility are also closely coordinating on outreach and educational materials for residents on PFAS, including health-related information and steps to reduce potential exposures. A state website has been set up to provide stakeholders with information about PFAS at https://dnr.wisconsin.gov/topic/PFAS. We encourage you to visit this website for helpful information about PFAS and reducing your exposure risks.
City of Ripon Water Utility