Q: How do I receive Water/Sewer Utility service?
A: We suggest you complete a Utility Address Change Form for utility service. You may either complete the form ahead of time and bring it in to City Hall, or fill it out there.
Q: How do I receive the utility application?
A: The application is available from City Hall located at 100 Jackson Street between the hours of 7:30AM to 4:30PM (Summer Hours). After Labor Day, our hours will resume back to our regular hours of Monday - Friday 7:30AM to 4:00PM. Under certain circumstances an application may be mailed, e-mailed or faxed to the customer.
Q: When are utility invoices sent out?
A: The invoices are sent the end of every month, or the first day or two of the following month, and are due between the 21st and 24th
Q: What are the charges on my invoice?
- Water Usage – charge based on the amount of water used.
- Water Base – base charge amount for water based on the size of the water meter.
- Sewer Usage – charge based on the amount of water used.
- Sewer Base – base charge amount as set by the Common Council.
- Public Fire Protection – amount charged based on the size of the water meter.
- Private Fire Protection – amount charged based on the size of the water connection (This is charged if a property has a sprinkler system).
- Recycling Fee – charge for one to four family residential units.
- Metered Sewer – usage charge if they do not have water service.
- Water Penalty – 1% fee based on the outstanding amount owed for water.
- Sewer Penalty – 1% fee based on the outstanding amount owed for sewer.
Q: What is the payment due date?
A: Payments are due monthly between the 21st and 24th of the month.
Q: How can I avoid these monthly charges?
A: Have the water service shut off at the curb stop.
Q: Is there a charge to have the water shut off at the curb stop?
A: There is no charge to have your water shut off. There is a $40 charge for reconnection.
Q: How do I get my water service reinstated?
A: Contact the Utility Office and pay the reconnection fee during regular hours, or an increased fee of $60 outside of normal business hours.
Q: What payment methods can I use to pay my bill?
Refer to the Billing section on this page.
Q: Is a penalty assessed for not paying by the due date?
A: 1% late payment penalty is applied the next business day after the due date.
Q: How long do I get to pay the delinquent amount after the Disconnection Notice is sent out?
A: You have an additional 10 days, depending upon how the weekend falls. It will be stated in your Disconnection Notice.
Q: How do delinquent balances affect the property owner?
A: Unpaid utility charges are transferred to the tax roll on November 15th.
Q: What options do I have if my water has been disconnected?
- Pay the account in full.
- Set up a Deferred Payment Plan and/or
- Pay the water reconnection fee.
Q: What happens if I can pay on the payment plan but not on the current billing?
A: Failure to comply with the terms of the deferred payment plan, which includes maintaining a payment in full status for current charges, is subject to disconnection.
Q: Can my services be disconnected if I heat with water?
A: Services may not be disconnected during the period of November 1st through April 15th if water is a necessary part of the dwelling’s heating system.
Q: Can a utility disconnect services if there are medical reasons why it should not be?
A: When disconnection would cause a medical emergency or interfere with protective services, the utility can postpone disconnection for up to 21 days but may require a physician’s statement or notice from social services or law enforcement.
Q: What do I do if I am moving?
A: We ask you complete a Utility Address Change Form (see attachment below) for terminating utility service. You may either complete the form ahead of time and bring it in to City Hall, or fill it out there.
Q: How often are the meters read?
A: Meters are read quarterly, usually from the first to the fifth of the month.
Q: Who reads my meter?
A: Utility Operators from the City’s Water Department.
Q: How is my meter read?
A: It is read electronically with a handheld device that receives a signal from the module placed on the meter.
Q: What can I do if I feel my meter is not working correctly or if it I leaking?
A: Contact our City Hall Administration Office with your concerns at 920-748-4916 or the City’s Water Department at 920-748-4900.
Q: How do we know if we have a water leak?
A: Every property that receives city water uses a water meter most commonly found in the basement. These meters are read through radio or cellular signals every 3 months for billing. When our computer receives the signal, the meter will notify us of several things, namely a stuck meter, no usage, and 24 hour continuous usage. If the meter detects water going through it for 24 hours straight, it will 'flag' a leak on the report from the meter. Our most advanced meters record how much had leaked through. Once this report is generated, we will notify the property owner of the suspected leak. Not every flagged meter may be a leak, so we consider them potential leaks. There are a number of reasons your house may be using water consistently for over 24 hours. We'll go into what may be the culprit, and how to find them, but first, we need to find your water meter.
**Please consider using a licensed plumber when you find your leak for repair. Unless you know how to fix the problem properly, it is always a good idea to consult a professional.
Q: How do I monitor my water usage?
A: If you have a cellular meter, you can take advantage of EyeOnWater Utility Program. If you are not sure if you have a cellular meter, look for the highlighted area on your meter. The Cellular antenna (dark gray) will probably be placed above the meter attached to the wall or floor joist. If you don’t have the same screen on the meter and the same shaped or labeled antenna, it is NOT a Cellular unit.

Q: If I believe my water usage is too high, what do I check?
- Check for water leaks such as leaking or dripping faucets.
- Check to see if the toilet is functioning correctly and
- Check for broken pipes.
Q: What is an estimated meter reading?
A: An estimated reading is applied when an actual reading is unattainable, and if efforts to contact the residence to repair the meter has failed, the Utility Clerk will record an estimated reading with a notation stating that the reading was estimated.
Q: What do I do if I have a dispute?
A: Whom do I contact if an issue between me and the Utility cannot be resolved?
Contact the Public Service Commission (PSC) at (608) 266-2001 or (800) 225-7729. Website: http://psc.wi.gov
Q: Who is the PSC?
A: The Public Service Commission of Wisconsin is an independent state agency that oversees more than 1,300 Wisconsin public utilities that provide natural gas, electricity, heat, steam, water and telecommunication services.